Monday, August 8, 2011


The one thing I always gave myself credit for, was choosing amazing friends and keeping worthy friendships. I'd say I'm a pretty good friend, I keep appointments, I try to give notice when my plans change so people aren't waiting around for me, I always check in to make sure my mates are well, and I'm constant with my intervals. So now tell me why some people don't show the same respect? Why do I feel like people are only around when there's an incentive? I consider myself to be mildly anti-social these days but I still manage to support those who ask for some support. The irony in all this is I'm also really good at living in my own mind, blocking out the outside world, but when I do, all of a sudden i'm labeled an asshole. I guess I would like to remind myself of what it feels like to be selfish, and to only pay attention to my immediate needs and those of my pets. First order of business, I'm gonna go to sleep for as long as I want.

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