It was about 1:30am, and Jill was on her way over, and Ray was taking photos of my dogs eyes- We'd uploaded our photos to Spyonvegas.com, and got on our way to find a ghost town, hoping to get to one before sunrise, for the sake of photography. After driving on the wrong freeway for way too long, we found a U-Turn, made it, and eventually turned on GPS to guide us better. The G-P-S Lady's name is Cecille - Ray named her. Anyway, we ended up at Eldorado Canyon- with all its 50 inhabitants, probably pissed off at the sound of our vehicle...I should say it is freakin scary driving down pitch black, elephant grass filled, scary sound- roads, at this time of night- Oh, did i forget to mention, My dog Juice came along for the ride- She is definitely not the dog that guides you around rocky situations..she more like..waits on the other side, and seemingly howls "Hurry Up Slow Poke!"
-We'd been trying to find a river, which, clearly was difficult considering the lack of light- turns out the river was right behind us the whole time, and as the sun's light hit the edge of the mountains, everything became a tiny bit clearer, and..wow there was the river we'd been searching for all night.
-We ended up taking a 5 hour drive to L.A, but not before we managed to get 2 speeding tickets on the way, somewhere around Victorville. In Venice, we ran into some pretty interesting people, Beautiful waitresses, Skateboarders, and a seemingly crazy indian guy, who was promoting his book about saving the world, by dancing in colorful attire, on the streets of Venice.
-We did stop at a Smoothies place, where I finally got to drink freshly squeezed orange JUICE, which pretty much made my day, cos I'd been drinking orange DRINK! for so long, I was like..WTF IS JUICE?! (and ..my dog ran to me)
-A million RAW images later, we were back on the road, heading home, Ray switched with Jill for the turn drive, and I squeezed my tall ass awkwardly in the back seat, for the ride home.
-Its fun to get out sometimes, even for a day, even more, for us, because we get to observe real life, and capture it, and show it to the world (Yes, The world reads these blogs) and as we learn and grow, and you grow with us, We hope to be better at our craft, and better citizens of the world we live in.

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