Wednesday, November 26, 2008


-Juice woke me up this morning to take her out to pee, and so I opened the door, so she could let herself out- but she just sat infront of the door- so I looked outside, and it was Raining cats and dogs- I almost dragged myself back to bed, but I thought I'd take a drive around town instead, and find out what the people who couldn't find roofs were up to.

-Here's my most interesting one-

I sat at the gas station across from this scene for about 20 minutes, and saw this guy walk to the corner, he just stood there, covering his mouth- I figured he was probably trying to come up with options- Cross the road, or make a left, and keep walking. He tried to cross the road, but the speeding cars kept him at the curb for a while- eventually, he decided he'd just walk the other way- I noticed a pedestrian crossing sign, was out of my P.O.V.
-I made a composition of the first idea-

This one, I couldn't quite get right, but the imperfect focus gave the photo a bit more depth, I thought. Its pretty much self explanatory.

The third seemed a bit more like confusion..but not the man's confusion, He was sure where to go- but the Road's. STOP, Written boldly on the ground, Stop Signs right next to the road, and Left and Right directionals, all trying to confuse the guy... thats what I saw at least :)

And lastly, This lady, trying to barrow her belongings to a safe place, away from the rain.

Well, I'm off to sleep now, Enjoy your day :)

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