Have you ever been with someone who seemingly loved you unconditionally, seemed to always be there when you needed them, affectionate, kind, carefree, just all around lovable and sweet- Where you felt like you both belonged together and you would never need anything else because everything you have and need is right there staring you in the eye?
....yah me either-
..Just joking...i think. Anyway, who really knows when they truly love someone, or are in love- how do you tell...how do you know they feel the same way..how can you be for sure- how do you accept their reasons. Sure the other person could tell you all the good things about you, but you already know that..its the same thing all your friends tell you, its the same thing everyone else loves you for...why is it so special coming from 1 person, and how does that work itself out? How do you justify being with this person, when every one of your friends can tell you the same things, hang out with you when you need hang out time, lend their shoulder when you need to cry, loan you a few bucks when the well's running a little dry...how is it more special with 1 person?
Indecisive justification of certain actions often lead to premature conclusions- blindfolded by emotion, robbing your heart of its vessels and leaving you almost as empty as you hoped it wouldn't (strangely, I ran out of a good metaphorical expression) When you spend most of your time working to ease someone elses fears, and you end up developing and building your fears, to the point where they need to be dealt with, to keep from affecting current situations, how are you supposed to re-act to a non- reciprocation of whatever it is that says listen, Its just a fear, It will be alright, I'm here, and no where else- how do you re-act when you don't get that feeling, instead, you get rejection, and guilt trips compounded by false accusations, held together by distance?
Sounds like someone ordered a warm cup of Irony.
It is in our best interests to look out for self, to make self happy, because only then will the world understand and reciprocate- but the world is a cruel world- you find solace, and solace spits in your eye, and makes you shut it-
I guess its true when they say reality is a B-word.
1 comment:
Hey Buddy... That's a cynical view you take...
Hope all is well. Check out my blog at http://www.boston-technical-recruiter.com
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