Monday, February 25, 2008


-I sleep from 7 30p to 10.30p every day, and every night, I shoot at least 2 nightclubs. Very few photographers take an arty approach to nightclub photography, in my opinion- I get annoyed, browsing through galleries of photos shot at high sync speeds, with no lights, or action- just plain ol' people smiling for the camera. I'm just saying, with all those lights going off in the background, start playing around, and figure some things out- slower shutter speed equals Ultimate control- eventually, when you learn how to...control? I don't even know what that means. Ill explain how I took this shot- and no it wasn't an accident. People at work call me "EXISTANCE" bacause of my skills with the lights, but Its all just messing around. I shot at F3.5, for about 0.4 seconds, setting my flash to 2nd curtain sync, and all i did was toss my camera around, 1 full rotation- of course I had to time that light- took me about 6 shots, to get it, but I got it. See? Told you it wasn't that hard. Go Try it.

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